Why You Should Seriously Consider Hiring a Private College Admissions Counselor

If you’re looking to send your child to college, it’s important to know which academic institution can sharpen his or her child’s talent. However, this can be a monumental challenge, especially if you don’t know the ins and outs of the current college admissions landscape. In fact, it would be of no use to start planning for your child’s college admission process if you don’t have concrete information about the kinds of colleges that can provide a wealth of opportunities for him or her. Plus, the college admission process is complex. For you and your child to navigate it, you need a college admissions counselor. That said; here are the main reasons to hire a college admissions counselor for your kid:
1.Face-to-face guidance
While most schools have in-house college admission counselors, the ratio of students to college admission counselors is high. For example, the average ratio of students to college admissions counselors in private schools is 50:1. In the best public schools, the ration is 150:1. This clearly tells you that your child will not get personalized counseling if you go with an in-house college admission counselor. The only way to get personalized counseling is to hire a private college admissions counselor.
2.They have inside knowledge
A great college admissions counselor has vast experience and expertise working in an admissions office. Therefore, you will get unique information about the current admission criteria and requirements. Some of the most important information you’ll get include exactly what admissions officers look for when admitting students, and what they are expecting to read in any essay. And a private admission counselor can direct you to a college that aligns with your child’s interest and qualifications.
3.They offer college application strategies
A college admissions counselor offers college admission strategies to increase your chances of being accepted into college. They have done it for years and they know what works and what doesn’t. The most important application strategies they will shed light on include apply early action, rolling/regular decision, and early decision. They will tell you exactly where you’re more likely to get admission and the reasons why.
4.Help you stay on track
You might not hear from your school’s college admissions counselor about your applications, essays, and deadline, which are critical to the success of your admission process and qualification. A private admission counselor will send you messages even when you’re on holiday about your applications, essays, and deadlines to keep you on track.
5.They help with planning
Planning is a critical step towards the success of any college admission. A private college admissions counselor will help with the entire college admission planning process, including planning the type of classes to take, advice on extracurricular activities to get involved in, as well as summer planning. However, it’s important to know that it’s the responsibility of the student to identify their academic and non-academic passions to make the planning process flawless.
Generally, a private college admissions counselor will provide answers regarding all your college admission questions and help you alleviate the hassle that comes with college admission process. So, if you want your child to have a smooth admission process and to adapt quickly in college, you’d better hire a college admissions counselor.