Features of a Good Breathing Rate Monitor

Everyone knows that breathing is important and that there are many benefits to improving your breath control. It can be challenging figuring out which features you want in a good breathing rate monitor. That’s why we put together a list of the most important features for you to consider when making your purchase decision. They include:


Just as you would want your phone screen to show up easily on your phone screen, the display must be generally readable from where you’re sitting or standing. A decent display is especially important for children, who are less likely to physically squint at the display and get a better view of their heart rate if it were too small.


The last thing you want is some bright red display lit up all day long. Even if it’s not a big deal for a few minutes while you train, this can be a problem if you’re using your breath rate monitor while watching TV. You don’t want to ruin your viewing experience by being exposed to some glaring light on your chest. That can happen if you’re using a watch or clip-on device that’s too tight or not clear enough, preventing you from reading the display at a glance.

To avoid this, ensure you set up your monitor so that it doesn’t require you to lean forward just to read it. Also, if you’ve got more than one display feature going on at the same time (such as a watch and bracelet), try putting these devices on opposite arms, so they don’t ruin each other’s effect of practicality.


If you’re using your breathing rate monitor while swimming or exercising in the rain, water-resistance must be on point. There are many factors to consider: Is the button easy to press? Is it easy to see from where I’m standing? Can I move the display easily and not get it wet?


Pretty simple here. You don’t want to have to change your battery every other minute. Over time, this can add up, making you look a little pathetic if you suddenly run out and need a new one. Also, these types of devices are typically used every day for extended periods, whether you’re working out or not. You don’t want to run out of battery power and be unable to refill it.


A breathing rate monitor is often used daily, whether you’re working out or not. In that case, you do not want to go digging for batteries every other day. For example, if you sleep with your breath rate monitor on your wrist, then you’ll need regular replacements during the night. So if using your breath rate monitor more frequently than most people do is important for your health and fitness routine, then make sure that the battery life will keep up with your needs.


If you’re using your breathing rate monitor every day, it is critical can use it with your finger (if applicable) or a finger and thumb. That is because you don’t want to have to worry about damaging its circuit board or anything else. It should also be able to take getting stepped on once in a while.


In addition to readability, don’t be afraid of something easy to put on and take off. You can get a quality breathing rate monitor with a simple wristband or clip-on so that you only need one hand to put it on, which is way better than having to deal with buttons and straps all day long.