The cheese making in italy

In Italy , cheese making is a traditional business that has been in practice since the early days. Since then, there have been many changes to the way Italian cheeses are made. This article will give you an insight into the history of italian cheese making and how it has changed over time.

In Italy, cheese making is a traditional business that has been in practice since the early days. The first cheeses were made with raw milk, which was heated over a fire to create curds and whey.

Today, the process of cheese making is much more complex, and there are many different types of Italian cheese. There are two main steps to making Italian cheese. The first step is called the starter stage, during this stage lactic acid bacteria ferments lactose into lactic acid. Next is the coagulant stage , or curd stage, where rennet is added to the milk. Rennet contains enzymes that curdle milk and separate it into solids and liquids. As a result of this process, there are now hundreds of types of Italian cheese on the market.

In Italy, different regions have been known for specific types of cheese throughout history. For example, Gorgonzola cheese originated in Lombardy. Parmesan cheese has its roots in the region of Emilia-Romagna.

Today, Italian cheeses are world renowned for their high quality and diverse flavors. There are around 450 types of Italian cheese sold globally today. Cheese is Italy’s second most exported product after olive oil .

How to make cheese:

  • 1/2 gallon whole milk
  • 1 cup of heavy cream (optional, but adds richness)
  • 2 tsp distilled water
  • 3 drops liquid rennet (this is a vegetarian product that contains all the enzymes needed to make cheese)
  1. Heat the milk and cream in a large pot until it reaches 90F (32C). You can check this with a candy thermometer.
  2. Remove the pot from heat and add the 2 tsp of distilled water and the 3 drops of rennet and stir thoroughly for 1 minute.
  3. Cover and let sit at room temperature (73-77F, 23-25C) for about 12 hours.
  4. The cheese should be firm to the touch and have a slightly sour smell. If it doesn’t, let it sit for a little longer.
  5. Cut the cheese into 1 inch cubes using a sharp knife.
  6. Place the cubes in a colander that is lined with cheesecloth and allow the whey to drain away.
  7. If you are using the cheese right now, place it in a double boiler over medium heat for 5 minutes to melt any remaining curds together into one mass.
  8. Add salt and pepper to taste if desired.
  9. Italian cheeses can be used in many appetizers or meals, or even eaten on its own.
  10. Store in the refrigerator when not being used.

In conclusion , there have been a lot of changes to the way Italian cheeses are made. If you want to try your hand at making homemade Italian cheese, just follow these simple steps and experiment with different ingredients. Have fun!

The piece was written by an undergraduate student enrolled in PACE program .